Roman boar brooch
£49.00 - £99.00
£49.00 - £99.00
Enamelled Dragonesque brooch
Large Dragonesque brooch
Romano British Pelta brooch
Triskel Brooch
£64.00 - £135.00
£64.00 - £135.00
Vindolanda duck brooch
£73.00 - £140.00
£73.00 - £140.00
Pair of Greek fibulae
£450.00 - £860.00
£450.00 - £860.00
Thames, Bow fibula
£64.00 - £69.00
£64.00 - £69.00
Etruscan Lion brooch
£245.00 - £260.00
£240.00 - £250.00
Greyhound brooch
£70.00 - £75.00
£70.00 - £75.00
Colchester type brooch
£79.00 - £86.00
£79.00 - £86.00
Great Chesters Aesica brooch
London, Dolphin brooch
Cat and hare brooch
Hare brooch (oxfordshire)
Red and Blue Hare brooch